In addition to the current Helmet Policy, it will be compulsory commencing the 2024/25 season for the batters to wear a British Standard 7928:2013 compliant helmet with a neck protector when batting against fast or medium paced bowling in the following competitions:
Mens First Grade, Mens Second Grade, Mens Under 19
Womens First Grade
It will also be compulsory for all junior cricketers under 18 years of age in ALL Premier Cricket competitions to wear a British Standard 7928:2013 compliant helmet with a neck protector at all times when batting.
For players over 18years of age in other Premier Cricket grades, they will continue to be required to wear a British Standard 7928:2013 compliant helmet when batting against fast or medium paced bowling. A neck protector will be recommended, however not compulsory.
Players will not be able to use non-compliant helmets. Refusal to wear a complying helmet when instructed to do so by the umpires will incur penalties, up to forfeiting the match. Details of the QC helmet playing rules are in the document linked below.
MSW Junior cricketers playing Stage 2 and Stage 3 cricket must wear a helmet at all times when batting and wicket keeping. (Junior players are not permitted to field in close, so this aspect of the new helmet rules does not apply.) Stage 1 cricketers (playing soft ball cricket) are strongly encouraged to wear a helmet while batting and keeping. From the 2024-25 season onward, MSW will mandate the use of BS-compliant helmets.
The new playing condition means that many junior and senior players will need to upgrade their current helmets with new gear that meets the new standards.
Many currently used helmets (including some still available through retail outlets) do not meet the new standards, and club members should verify when purchasing new helmets that they comply with the new requirements.
Advice about determining helmet compliance is provided in the documents linked below. An adjustable face grille (with easily removable nuts where the grille joins the helmet) is an immediate indicator that a helmet is non-compliant, however there are other features which also determine compliance.
This change in helmet rules requirement is not being driven by Wests – it is being mandated by Queensland Cricket and the MSW junior cricket association. It’s happening as a result of policy changes being implemented by the ICC, Cricket Australia and Queensland Cricket to improve the level of protection provided by helmets (click on the link document below to read about the details).
The change is a good thing – safety is important, and there’s not much point wearing a helmet if it won’t keep your scone intact!