Great Start to the Season
Well, a great start to the season with some outstanding performances. Our 1st grade men’s leading the 2-day competition, our 1st grade women’s in finals contention having some recent outstanding victories, Our 2nd grade men making the One Day finals and our 2nd grade women’s, 3rd,4th, 5th and 6th grade men’s all in finals contention. Wow great stuff Bulldogs. Look out the T20 season is about to start with a bang!
The outstanding team no doubt has been our U16 lord Taverners team under the guidance of the “Daves” Lossberg and Pamenter. Winners of the inaugural Taverners T20 comp with an undefeated program and having a stellar one-day performance only dropping one game in the rounds and then unfortunately just going down in the semi-final to Sunshine Coast in a very close encounter. This team has unearthed some real some stars, some of which have been rewarded with Grade selection and launching their Western Suburbs Cricket careers. Great stuff guys and proof our Youth Development Program is working very nicely.
Our junior competition, as usual, continues to provide outstanding performances and engagement with record numbers of junior cricket participation. Congratulations to all the managers and players involved. Please continue to send in your team highlights so we can promote them. Send them to
Stumping Friends
For the Senior Club, tune into Wests TV – Stumping Friends through Instagram and Facebook/ You Tube is where a weekly recap of the weekend and preview of upcoming games occurs, in between some “special moments” and “Plays of the Day”. Dools and Frewy highlight some great performances each week so tune in. Their player to watch out for each week in each grade is astoundingly astute and accurate. Thanks boys keep up the good work.
Social Membership
I would like to take this opportunity to introduce our Social Membership Program, which is a great way for parents and other attendees to our club to join our Club. Western Suburbs District Cricket Club is offering social membership to our patrons giving you access to discounts and supporters merchandise. There are two levels of social sponsorship.

Sign up today for your Social Club Membership and become a Bulldog Member!!
- Level One $20 Social Membership – Receive Club discounts on all Club Merchandise, Clothing, Food and Drinks
- Level Two $50 Social Membership – Receive Social Members Cap plus one other WSDCC Merchandise of choice- PLUS discounts on all Club Merchandise. Clothing, Food and Drinks
If you are not already a social member join up now and support this great Club!!!!
Website Re-vamp
We’ve updated our website! Our sponsors now feature prominently, reflecting their important contribution to our club. All the same topics and headlines will be there and a much more with additional navigation features . I thank Sam Truloff, our Club Administrator and Mick Varidel for their hard work on the website update. Go on now and try it out!!
Club Governance and Policy Management
Behind the scenes a lot of work is done by our volunteers who I pass on my thanks for all your efforts. In addition to this, as a Premier Grade Club and a Junior Club there are a number of responsibilities and accountabilities to meet and maintain. It is my responsibility to bring these to the attention of our Club Members, Club Patrons and those casual attendees of the Club.
We have done a lot of work to ensure Western Suburbs District Cricket Club has a clear and appropriate policy and governance framework. These can be found on new website under the “About us” heading and scroll to “Our Policies”. Still work in progress and more to come.
Charity/Sponsorship/ Past Players Day
Allison Baden-Clay Foundation T20 Gala Day – 4 DECEMBER 2021 Graceville Ovals
Western Suburbs District Cricket Club are proud to announce our Clubs partnership with the Allison Baden-Clay Foundation to raise awareness of domestic violence in our community.
The Wests Bulldogs will be hosting a gala day of T20 Cricket with our 1st and 2nd Grade Teams battling it out with the Gold Coast Dolphins while at the same time joining forces to promote the awareness of domestic violence. It combines a wonderful day with our Club Sponsors and our past players all attending in support of the Club and this wonderful partnership.
Importantly, the Allison Baden-Clay Foundation was launched in late 2015 in honour of Allison Baden-Clay who was murdered at the hands of her husband. The Foundation aims to aid prevention of domestic and family violence through education. All funds raised for the Foundation go towards the development of programs that educate the community of the signs of domestic and family violence, as well as the tactics they can use to intervene safely and effectively. The Foundation also promotes kindness as its core value, a trait which Allison was known for. Through our work The Foundation aims to spread the message of kindness throughout Australia; because if we were all kind to each other, problems such as domestic and family violence would cease to exist.
Check all of the details on our event page linked here:
You can donate to the foundation to support the great work they do right here: