Motorama supporting Wests with its Community Partnership Program


Motoroma – Wests’ platinum sponsor – is offering Wests members a fantastic way to support the development of our junior club with its community Parnership Program.

Every year many Western Suburbs District Cricket Club members purchase a new or used car. By purchasing your next vehicle through a Motorama dealership, you can earn the Wests $300 on completion of your sale!

Any new, demo or used car purchased from any Motorama sites are eligible. Importantly, the $300 comes from the Motorama Community Fund, and is not factored into the car’s purchase price. So Wests members will still get a great Motorama deal and benefit the club at the same time!

All current club members and staff are eligible. All you need to do is produce a current ID and membership card, along with the official WSDCC community partnership voucher.

So if you are in the market for a new or used vehicle, please put Motorama on your shopping list and help them help Western Suburbs District Cricket Club.

For more information, and to download your official Wests community partnership voucher, visit