2018/19 Season Sponsorship


Wests sponsorship opportunities are now available for the 2018/19 season!  We’re offering some fantastic packages for our sponsors this year.  You can check out the details of the packages on offer and read up on why Wests is a great organisation to be affiliated with on our Sponsorship web page or download our 2018/19 Season Sponsorship Brochure.

All funds raised assist in the operation of the club and in particular to improve our facilities and level of coaching. 

If you have any interest in sponsoring Wests, or have a relationship with any local business you think may be interested in sponsoring Wests, can you please contact either John Dooley (jdooley@vincents.com.au or 0413 834 737) or Greg Rowell (greg@rowellegal.com.au or 0438 554 119).